Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tips For Beating Wrinkles

Wrinkles are signs of ageing, they are inevitable. But no matter what your age, you still deserve to look wonderful, here's the 10 main points to help you out.
Protect your skin from the sun
Direct exposure to sunlight can damage your skin, in fact sunlight is one of the biggest cause of skin ageing. You may use a sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful rays and this will help prevent your skin from becoming prematurely aged.
Stop Smoking
Cigarette smoke can speed up the ageing process because it prevents the new cells to regenerate.

Deep Cleanse
Make it a habit to cleanse your skin everyday, this will ensure your skin is clear of dead skin cells, dirt and make up to give it a youthful fresh glow.
Deep Moisturise
A daily moisturiser helps develop your skin's water level. You can either use a nourishing face mask or apply a thick layer of your usual moisturiser.
Boost the Circulation
Try to use a gentle facial scrub or exfoliater once a week. This will increase the blood flow in the top layers of your skin, giving it a rosy glow and youthful look.
Disguise Lines
You can help minimise the fine lines by applying light reflecting foundations, concealers or powder. This will help hide the fine lines and makes it less noticeable.
Pamper Regularly
Treat your skin occasionally by going through some special treatments such as serum, facials and anti-ageing creams. This will help improve the look of your skin.
Be Weather Vain
Extreme cold weather can bring harm to your skin leaving it dry and more prone to damage. Regular moisturising can help you get through.
Be Gentle
Be careful in treating your skin, some make-up and skin-care products can cause damage to your skin. Avoid any products that make your skin itch, sting and feel irritated.
Clever Make-up
Investigate the latest products, if you think you can get more benefits from them then try to grab one. Choose a product that contains UV filters and skin nourishing ingredients.

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